Ijaola Joseph, Frontend Developer

Vella Finance
3 min readDec 20, 2023

Through our monthly series, Inside Vella, we shine the spotlight on the amazing humans of Vella who work tirelessly to ensure the growth and success of the brand. This month, we had a quick and interesting chat with our creative and detail-oriented Frontend Developer, Joseph, who creates and implements user interfaces for our financial applications.

Can you share your role and responsibilities at Vella Finance?

My role as a Frontend developer at Vella finance includes creating and implementing user interfaces for our financial applications. I collaborate with the engineering team to ensure seamless integration between the frontend and backend systems, focusing on creating responsive and user-friendly experiences. I also participate in code reviews, stay updated on the latest web development trends, and contribute to the overall improvement of our products.

Could you provide insights into your daily routine at Vella Finance?

My daily routine involves collaborating with the engineering team to build and implement user interfaces for our financial applications. I work on enhancing the user experience, ensuring seamless navigation, and optimizing performance. I participate in daily stand-ups and engage in discussions with cross-functional teams to align on project goals.

What aspects of your Vella experience bring you the most joy?

The satisfaction of seeing seamless interactions and user-friendly designs come to life in our products, alongside the continuous learning and innovation within our engineering team truly fuels my enthusiasm at Vella.

Reflecting on your journey with Vella, how would you describe the journey so far?

My journey with Vella Finance has been an exciting ride filled with continuous learning and growth. The challenges have pushed boundaries and fostered a culture of collaboration while being exciting and gratifying.

What distinctive qualities make Vella stand out compared to your previous workplaces?

Vella Finance stands out significantly, mainly because of its constant dedication due to its unwavering commitment to innovation and the relentless pursuit of excellence in the financial sector. Vella embraces a collaborative environment where cross-functional teams seamlessly work together; creating a synergy that fuels creativity and efficiency.

In your opinion, what’s the most appealing aspect of remote work?

The most appealing aspect of remote work is the flexibility it provides. I can organize my day to maximize productivity, creativity, and work-life balance. Plus, bypassing the daily commute eliminates the stress of navigating traffic, providing more time for meaningful work and personal pursuits

If you were to explain your job to a five-year-old, how would you describe it?

Let’s say you have a toy robot. My duty is to make sure the robot functions flawlessly and has an amazing appearance when you click its buttons. I create the button designs, and ensure that everything functions flawlessly when you play with it. In that sense, I design toys rather than computer programmes that assist adults in making decisions that are meaningful to them.

Is there something about your current role that you’d like to change or improve?

In my current role at Vella Finance, I’ve found immense satisfaction in contributing to the development of innovative solutions.

What’s the most valuable piece of advice you’ve received during your career?

The most valuable piece of advice I’ve received in my career is to relentlessly prioritize learning and adaptability.

Outside work, how do you spend your time when you’re not on the job?

I listen to music, watch movies and sometimes hangout with the guys.



Vella Finance

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